Sunday, January 22, 2006

Welcome to Big Skye Country

Nancy and I wanted to share some exciting news and bring everyone up to date on some of the newest developments at Greener Mag.

Over the past seven months, we have grown from a very small blog to become a well-respected internet journal. Our reader stats are climbing steadily and the Newsletter list receives new subscribers daily. All of which bodes a bright future, particularly as we enter the next phase and begin to build our advertising base.

We now have 12 Greener team members contributing to the growth of Greener Magazine: Greg Yanick in NY, our resident musician, Gothamite and, wandering poet/writer; Nidhi Kaushik in London, writer and traveler who has taken on the role of European Desk editor; and Carole To in Beijing who will be returning to her beat after a short hiatus during a cold winter in China. All three have been with Greener from the first and we are delighted they have chosen to remain with us.

Jeff McIntyre Strasburg owner of Sustainablog has, happily, joined Greener as a guest, contributing columnist. Jeff’s crisp writing style and defining observations on a variety of sustainable and green subjects is a valuable voice for our magazine and our readers.

Judy Kingsbury – The Savvy Vegetarian, is Greener’s newest signature presence as The Green Advisor. Her thoughtful, well-informed advice column is building readership and making new friends for Greener every day.

Greg Hitchcock, NY State is an associate writer who contributes occasional, thoughtful pieces on architecture and engineering.

Sara Kneidel is an author who has just returned from traveling through Spain and Morocco where she researched alternative farming methods and spent her days learning about the people and the regions in which she traveled. Sara Kate will be a contributing writer starting with journal posts from that trip.

Jody Byers has begun writing feature articles about science and environmental issues with her unique insight and western American point of view.

Andrew Turner -High Earth Orbit – has developed the Greener Earth Maps page, an interactive feature that extends our reader’s comprehension and vision of the subjects about which we write. “Greener Maps” is just the first stage of our entry into multi-media productions.

Diane Cimetta comes to Greener as a student environmental journalist studying in Canada. Diane is currently completing her internship at Greener as she works on a variety of projects.

Karin Didring joins us from Sweden. Karin is our newest intern associate and will be working in Europe. Nidhi will assign Karin’s projects and act as her editor.

Kathleen LaRoque joins us from ENN where she was the marketing director responsible for their very successful Media Partners program. Kate is going to guide our expansion into the advertising market and will help us forge valuable new relationships with other media outlets.

Thanks to all of you for your hard work, your energy and creative effort to make Greener Magazine a success. Nancy and I want to express our deepest appreciation for all you do to keep Greener on a path of growth and success. We will “talk” with you soon, here in “Big Skye Country.”

Harlan & Nancy


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